Court Appointed Counsel
Under Penal Code Section 987.2, the County is obligated to pay the costs associated with the representation of indigent defendants. Defendants are first referred to the Public Defender. When the representation of a defendant by the Public Defender results in a conflict of interest, or for any other reason the Public Defender cannot accept a case, the Alternate Public Defender (APD) performs a similar review. Should the APD be unable to represent an indigent defendant, then outside counsel must be appointed.
Click on the appropriate button below for information about the qualifications for indigent defense as well as billing guidelines.
Court Appointed Counsel Representing Minors Pursuant to Family Code Section 3150
Pursuant to California Rules of Court Rule 5.240 and 5.241, the court may appoint counsel to represent the best interest of a child in a family law proceeding under Family Code section 3150. If the court finds that the parties are unable to pay all or a portion of the cost of the child’s counsel, the court must pay the portion the parties are unable to pay.
Billing guidelines established for the Superior Court of Solano County and the private attorneys appointed by the Court to represent minors pursuant to Family Code section 3150, sets forth procedures for submitting billings. The billing guidelines information lists the relevant forms and outlines how to submit your claims for reimbursement.
Billing Guidelines for Court Appointed Counsel Under FC 3150 Vendor Claim Court Appointed Counsel Under FC3150 Form
Claim and Order for Compensation Form
Form FL-323, Order Appointing Counsel For A Child