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Court Investigators

Form Packets

Court Investigator Fees

Assistance Resources

Self-Help Guardianships

SLAC Solano Legal Access Center

Self-Help Conservatorships


The Court Investigator’s Office is appointed to investigate conservatorship petitions, guardianship petitions, step-parent adoption petitions, and petition to terminate parental rights or declare minor free.

Once the Court Investigator’s Office has been notified of the petition, a questionnaire or checklist may be sent to you. It is helpful for the investigator assigned to your case to have the completed questionnaire or checklist prior to conducting the interview.

For information on service in a guardianship proceeding, please refer to What is “Proof of Service” in a Guardianship (GC-510).

In a conservatorship proceeding, the proposed conservatee must be personally served with the Citation and a copy of the petition. The proposed conservatee’s relatives to the second degree (grandparents, parents, spouse, children, grandchildren) can be served by mail with a copy of the petition and notice of hearing.

To object to a guardianship petition, please complete and file Objection to Appointment of Guardian (Local Form 7009-PR).

Unless waived by the Judge, an accounting will need to be filed if you have been appointed a guardian or conservator of an estate. The first year accounting is due fourteen months after being appointed.

Following the first year accounting, the accounting period increases to two years and is due two months after the close of the accounting period. For example, if the accounting period is January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020, the accounting is due by March 30, 2021.

Visitation orders in a guardianship may be modified through agreement of the parties in the form of a stipulation, or if Court intervention is required, by requesting a hearing date using Petition for Visitation Orders (Local Form 3720) and a Notice of Hearing (GC-020).

Following the establishment of a conservatorship of the person, a conservatorship will be reviewed by the Court Investigator’s Office one year from the date of appointment.

Following the first year review, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, a review will be conducted by the Court Investigator’s Office every two years.

Following the establishment of a guardianship of the person, it is the guardian’s responsibility to submit a Confidential Guardianship Status Report (GC-251) on the anniversary of the appointment.

If the guardian/conservator is moving within the State of California please file Notice of Change of Address (MC-040). If the conservatee/ward is being moved within Solano County, please file both Pre-Move Notice of Proposed Change of Personal Address (GC-079) prior to the move and Post-Move Notice of Change of Residence (GC-080) following the move.

If the guardian/conservator is moving outside the State of California, please file Notice of Change of Address (MC-040). If the conservatee/ward is going to be moved outside the State of California the guardian or conservator must first obtain court permission. This can be done by filing Petition to Fix Residence Outside the State of California (GC-085) and a Notice of Hearing (GC-020).

To request termination of a guardianship, file Petition for Termination of Guardianship (GC-255) and a Notice of Hearing (GC-020).

Please refer to Solano County Local Rule 15.100.

Please refer to Solano County Local Rule 15.4

Local Forms and the link for Judicial Council Forms are available at:



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