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Traffic Court

General Information

The Traffic Division handles adult (18 years old and over) traffic violations and minor offenses (infractions only). Other violations also filed in Traffic Division include:

  • Fish & Game
  • Local city and county ordinances
  • Boating
  • Dog/animal citations.

The following are not handled by the traffic department:

  • Parking Citation: Contact the original citing agency.
  • Juvenile Citations: Are processed through the Probation Department at (707) 784-7631.
  • Criminal Violations: Driving under the influence (DUI) or any misdemeanor or felony violations are handled through the Criminal Division.

Clerks cannot give legal advice or answer legal questions. If you plan to proceed with your case without an attorney, the Court Law Library has the reference material to assist you. The library is located on the 3rd floor of the Hall of Justice building, 600 Union Avenue, Fairfield.

Clerk’s Office Expansion of Services


Fairfield Branch:

Hall of Justice

600 Union Ave,
Fairfield CA 94533

Vallejo Branch:

Solano Justice Building

321 Tuolumne St,
Vallejo CA 94590

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If your driver’s license has been suspended for failure to appear, you may pay the fine due and the court will issue a release of the hold placed on your driver’s license. If you would like for the court to consider your ability to pay the underlying fine, ask to address this with the court by submitting a completed Declaration/Ability to Pay form. A release of the hold placed on your driver’s license will be issued once the court makes a decision on your submitted declaration. The court will update the DMV files electronically.

Not at this time.

The arresting agency may be contacted for a copy of an accident report.

If you do not respond to the court or pay your fine by the court due date, an extra fee may be added to your fine amount and your case may be referred for collection. This extra fee is called a “civil assessment,” and it can be up to $100. The court can also charge you with a misdemeanor for “failure to appear,” and the court can issue a warrant for your arrest. A failure to appear hold may also be placed with DMV on your driver’s license which could result in your license being suspended. You may also not be able to renew your car’s registration.

On your citation there is a court location indicated to which your case is assigned. Court addresses are available on our Court Locations page.

You are obligated to contact the court on or before the date listed on your citation. If you have not received a courtesy notice prior to that date, the clerk in the division may assist you with your options.

You may be eligible to attend traffic school if all of the following apply:

  • If you have not attended traffic school within the last 18 months prior to this citation;
  • You have a valid driver’s license;
  • You have no outstanding Failures to Appear;
  • This citation only involves a moving infraction and does not involve any drug or alcohol violations;
  • You were not speeding more than 25 mph over the posted limit.
  • Failure to attend traffic school can adversely affect your driving record and insurance.

The majority of traffic citations do not mandate a personal appearance and can be handled by phone or through the mail. Check your courtesy notice for this information. If you have not received a courtesy notice, or have additional questions, please contact the court on or before the date listed on your citation.

Generally, yes. There are different types of extensions for different types of traffic matters. You will need to contact the court listed on your citation for further details.

Once you have made arrangements to attend traffic school with the court, you will be given 90 days to complete the traffic school. There will be no extensions granted so give yourself plenty of time to complete the class. Once the certificate of completion is received by the court from the school, and your fines and fees are paid in full, the court will notify DMV to mask your conviction. This will prevent a point from being added to your driving record. Again, all fines and fees and the certificate of completion must be received by the court within the 90 day period.

Yes. A fee is due to the court in the amount of the bail plus $52. The traffic school will also charge a fee. Methods of instruction and class fees will vary.

Yes. Credit card payments are accepted in person or by phone or online. There is a service fee to pay by credit card. You will need to know your case number or citation number in order to use this service.

• To make a payment by phone, CALL: 707-430-0342
Phone payment hours are Mon-Fri 4:00 AM – 9:00 PM and Sat-Sun 6:00 AM – 3:00 PM PST

• To make a payment online, visit our payment website at:

You can obtain a list from your local court, from the Department of Motor Vehicles .
You may also check your local yellow pages under Driving Schools.

Clerks are not able to provide legal advice. It is suggested you either contact an attorney or perform your own research prior to filing any paperwork.

Click Court Declaration for a Declaration form. This declaration must be filled out properly in order to submit your declaration request to the judicial officer.

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