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Adult Drug Court

General Information

Program Overview

The Solano Adult Drug Court is for people involved in the criminal court system who have a substance use disorder. Instead of receiving a jail sentence, participants agree to court supervision, intensive case management, long-term drug treatment, and engaging in the hard work of getting well. Acceptance in this program is a long-term commitment.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Solano County residents
  • Eligible for probation
  • Substantial substance abuse problem
  • Felony or misdemeanor charges or probation violations arise in connection with or stem from alcohol or drug abuse or addiction.
  • Persons subject to judicial supervision solely pursuant to a grant of a split sentence pursuant to Penal Code, § 1170(h), a grant of Post-Release Community Supervision or parole are not eligible.

Referral Process

Acceptance into ADC occurs only post-conviction or post-finding of a probation violation whether by plea, admission, trial or probation violation hearing. Referrals for ADC screening may be made on a pre-plea or pre-admission basis by judges, attorneys and probation officers. Acceptance into ADC is based upon the unanimous agreement of the ADC team.


Policies and Procedures


  • Program History

    The Solano County Adult Drug Court program held its first session in Fairfield on March 14, 1997, with the Honorable Ramona J. Garrett. The Adult Drug Court program went on hiatus in July 2005 and resumed on December 7, 2007.

    The Solano County Adult Drug Court program in Vallejo began its first session on September 26, 2013, in Department 7 with the Honorable Tim P. Kam.

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