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Parole Reentry Court

Program Overview

Solano Parole Reentry Court is a problem solving court designed and staffed to supervise and address the unique needs of parolees who suffer from substance use disorder and/or mental illness who have violated the conditions of parole. PRC participants benefit by receiving intensive personalized intervention and resources, an opportunity to participate in treatment instead of jail or prison, and the opportunity upon successful completion of the PRC to be moved to minimal supervision for the duration of parole and a recommendation for early discharge of parole. The community benefits through the promotion of public safety and reduction of crime.

Eligibility Criteria

  • History of substance abuse and/or mental illness
  • Violation of conditions of parole
  • Parolee is not under Non-Revocable Parole and is deemed “high risk” and/or “high needs” by the PRC team
  • Under parole supervision in Solano County
  • Resident of Solano County, excluding interstate parolees

The following parolees are excluded from participation in the Solano Parole Reentry Court:

  • Less than one year remaining on the parole term
  • Non-Revocable Parole (NRP)
  • Facing a current charge/violation defined in the California Penal Code as a “serious” (PC 1192.7) or “violent” (667.5) felony
  • Note that prior convictions for serious and/or violent felonies will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Parole Reentry Court.
  • Under the supervision of Solano County Adult Probation

Referral Process

A parolee may be referred if s/he has violated the conditions of Parole, and meets the eligibility criteria. Referrals can be made by judges, attorneys and parole agents simply by notifying the PRC Court and/or case manager that the parolee is to be screened for eligibility. The referring court will place the parolee on a PC 3015 hold and calendar him/her for the next available PRC or Parole Revocation court.


Policies and Procedures


Commissioner Susan A. Rados, Department 21:

Law and Justice Center

530 Union Ave,
Fairfield CA 94533

Calendar heard: Every other Monday in Courtroom 208: 2:31 PM

Commissioner Bryan J. Kim:

Solano Justice Building

321 Tuolumne St,
Vallejo CA 94590

Calendar heard: Every other Monday in Courtroom 106: 2:00 PM

phone and visiting hours exclude court holidays | holiday schedule

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