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Media & Cameras in Court

Review the guidelines and restrictions on filming/recording of hearings, trials, and other court proceedings.

Except as provided in California Rule of Court 1.150, court proceedings may not be photographed, recorded, or broadcast. Under the rule, use of cameras and other recording devices require permission from the Judicial Officer presiding over the proceeding. Requests to photograph must be submitted five court days before the proceeding, unless good cause is shown. Rule 1.150 requires that the requestor file (1) a Media Request to Photograph, Record, or Broadcast MC-500 and (2) a completed, proposed Order on Media Request to Permit Coverage MC-510.

These requests may be submitted electronically either via email or fax as follows:

  • Email the paperwork to : The request will be routed to the appropriate Judicial Officer and the requester will be notified of the decision as soon as possible. Requests that are missing required forms or information will not be processed.
  • Fax the required paperwork to Court Administration at: (707) 426-1631. The request will be routed to the appropriate Judicial Officer and the requester will be notified of the decision as soon as possible. Requests that are missing required forms or information will not be processed.

Rule of Court 1.150 on Photography, Filming, and Recording


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