Records, Fees & Forms
Reviewing Court Records
Case Numbers
Criminal violations that occurred in Fairfield, Suisun City, Vacaville, Dixon, and Rio Vista have case numbers beginning with F, FC, FCR or M. Criminal violations that occurred in Vallejo or Benicia have case numbers beginning with V, VC, VCR, F or M.
Bench Warrant Status
For information regarding bench, warrant status use Solano Superior Court Portal to locate case information.
Reviewing Court Files
Records are kept at the branch where your hearing was heard. Fairfield and Vallejo branch information is found on the Criminal Department general information page.
- Records search hours: Mon – Fri, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM excluding court holidays.
- Search fee: $15.00 per name if the search is over 10 minutes and copies are $.50 per page/side. Additional potential fees listed further down the page.
- Request limit: 5 cases per person/per day.
- ID required: Must show government-issued photo identification, such as a passport, valid driver’s license, California Identification card, military I.D., etc.
- Form required: Searching court records and requesting copies of records requires form 4021 Request for Records Search & Copies. Additional potential forms are listed further down the page.
Filing/Copy Fees
Service | Cost |
Bond Motion | $60.00 |
Records Search Fee | $15.00 longer than 10 minutes |
Copies | $.50 per page/per side |
Certified Copies | $40.00 per document |
Certificate of Discharge of Bail Bond | $40.00 per document |
The following is a list of local forms used in the criminal division. If you need judicial forms, go to the Judicial Council site.
The Request to Waive Court Fees form is located on the Judicial Council site.
Local #CR
Instructions for Filing a Petition Under 1203.4
Local #CR-180
Petition for Dismissal pursuant to PC 1203.4/1203.4a
Local #CR-181
Order for Dismissal pursuant to PC 1203.4/1203.4a
Change of Address Form
Community Service Hours Verification
Applying for a Certificate of Rehabilitation and Pardon
Local #4021
Request For Records Search & Copies
Local #FW-001
Request to Waive Court Fees
Local #CR-415-INFO
Information on Filing a Petition to Terminate Sex Offender Registration
Local #CR-415
Petition to Terminate Sex Offender Registration
Local #CR-416
Proof of Service-Sex Offender Registration Termination
Local #CR-418
Order on Petition to Terminate Sex Offender Registration
Electronic Recording Request Form – Local Form #4020
Submit completed form to the Division via email at :