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Appellate Division

What is an Appeal?

An Appeal is a review by another court of the trial court’s decision.

An appeal is not a retrial, except in small claims appeals. Generally, the appeal must be based on an argument that a legal error was made by the trial court; introduction of new evidence will not be permitted, and the appellate court will not reweigh conflicting evidence.

Where are Appeals heard?

Small Claims appeals are heard through the Civil/Small Claims Division at the Courthouse in Solano County at a location to be determined.

Misdemeanor, Traffic, and Limited Civil jurisdiction cases only are decided by the Solano Superior Court Appellate Division. The Appellate Division hears oral arguments the third Thursday per month at the Hall of Justice in Fairfield.

Felony, Probate, Family Law, and Unlimited Civil cases are decided by the California 1st District Court of Appeal | District Courts of Appeal located in San Francisco.

What judges hear appeals in the Solano Superior Court Appellate Division?


Honorable Janice M. Williams, Appellate Presiding Judge

Honorable Shauna L. Chastain, Associate Judge

Honorable Amyra Cobb-Hampton, Associate Judge

Honorable L. Stephen Gizzi, Associate Judge

*Judicial officers subject to change

Filing a Notice of Appeal

The Notice of Appeal must be filed with the appropriate Appeals Unit before the filing deadline. To find the filing deadline for your case, see the California Rules of Court, Title Eight. Appellate Rules | Judicial Branch of California

*All local Appellate division cases shall file the notice of appeal as a new appeal case with the Solano Superior Court.

Pursuant to Local Rule 20.2(j), Notice of Appeals are exempt from e-filing and should be filed in person, or left in the court’s drop box, or by mail.

*All First District appeals cases shall file the Notice of Appeal into the existing Solano Superior Court case.

Forms can be located on the Judicial Council’s website at Find Your Court Forms | Judicial Branch of California

Where to File an Appeal

Appeals may be filed in person, or left in the court’s drop box, or by mail, even for attorneys.

Felony, Family Law and Probate appeals should be filed at the Hall of Justice, 600 Union Avenue in Fairfield.

Small Claims, Limited, and Unlimited appeals should be filed at the Old Solano Courthouse, 580 Texas Street in Fairfield.

Additional Resources

For information regarding preparation of designated appellate records, please contact the appropriate Appeals Department:

Local Appellate Rules 13

Civil Appeals Judicial Counsel Self-help link: Log in | California Courts | Self Help Guide

Traffic Appeals Judicial Counsel Self-help link:

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