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Press Release

Court Seeks Applications for the Civil Grand Jury

The Honorable Alesia Jones, Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of Solano County, announces the Court is seeking volunteers to serve as jurors on the 2025-2026 Civil Grand Jury. Residents who have lived in the county for one year, are a United States citizen and are 18 years of age or older, may apply for service.

The grand jury is an historic institution and serves an important role in our society. It is sometimes referred to as the “watchdog” of the community. It functions as an arm of the judicial branch of government and operates under the authority of the Solano Superior Court.

The grand jury investigates and reports on the operations, accounts, and records of local government and has the power to investigate citizen complaints about local government. Empowered by the judicial branch, the grand jury is a fact-finding body that develops meaningful solutions to a wide range of governmental issues, thereby facilitating positive change in the community.

Although this is primarily a civic responsibility, grand jurors are paid a $20 per diem and are paid mileage reimbursement for each authorized meeting. Persons interested in applying may contact Cheryl Clower at the Office of the Grand Jury at (707) 435-2575 or visit the Court’s website at to complete an application online. The application deadline for submission is June 4, 2025.

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