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38.102558, -122.239282

Vallejo Courthouse - Solano Justice Building

321 Tuolumne St
Vallejo, CA 94590

Hours of Operation

The courthouse is open 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The Clerk’s Offices are open by drop-in 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM or by appointment 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Click Courthouse Hours to learn more about regular and holiday hours.

Courthouse Hours

Security Screening

All visitors to the Superior Court of Solano County are required to pass through our security system (metal detectors) when entering the court buildings. Please click on Court Security to review the screening process and a comprehensive list of items prohibited. Please don’t bring these items to court as there are no provisions for storing them temporarily.

Security Screening


The Vallejo branch court is located on the west side of Tuolumne Street, with the nearest cross street being Virginia Street. The parking lot may be entered either from Tuolumne Street (main entrance) or Virginia Street. Upon entering the parking lot from Tuolumne Street, the court is on the left and the health & social services building is on the right. There is disabled parking immediately behind the health & social services building.

Public Transportation

The Vallejo Courthouse is served by SolTrans Route 4 from the Vallejo Transit Center in downtown Vallejo.


The court is wheel chair accessible. There is wheel chair access from the entrance drive to the sidewalk near the front of the court (closest to Tuolumne Street) marked by a crosswalk on the entrance driveway. A wheel chair ramp may be found at that location, which leads to the main entrance to the court. The entrance has a sliding door, which is open during business hours. Should the door be closed, it is motion sensitive, and is automatically activated upon being approached. The restrooms are wheel chair accessible, although the doors are manually operated swinging doors. All court activities are conducted on the ground floor of the building. Click ADA Accommodations to learn about the Americans With Disabilities Act and ADA Accommodations.

ADA Accommodations

Courthouse Wifi

The courthouse offers free public wifi by connecting to the network “court public.” Connection speed may vary based on how many people are accessing the network. Click Wireless Access to learn more about how to connect and read the court’s policy and disclaimer regarding usage of its public hotspot.

Wireless Access

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